Mission and Vision Statement

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London Road, St Andrew’s Roffey and Partridge Green
Seeking to follow Jesus in community, love and service

Mission and Vision Statement: a five-year plan



Cornerstone Methodist Church aims:

  1. To provide opportunities to worship in different styles.
  2. To make worship more a) accessible and b) inclusive.
  3. To continue to develop our digital engagement opportunities.
  4. To integrate the different worshipping groups into the whole life of the Church.


  1. We will continue to offer a range of worship opportunities across the three chapels, including but not limited to Rooted (quarterly), Midweek worship (twice monthly), Messy Church (monthly at StA and 5 times a year at PG), Creative Worship (quarterly), Songs of Praise (quarterly), Communion (monthly at each chapel).  We will look towards giving each chapel the opportunity to explore a distinctive worship style.
  2. We will provide training and resources for stewards and preachers around the use of accessible and inclusive language and worship styles, as well as exploring how to support those who are blind or deaf or neurodiverse to access worship.
  3. We will enable people to access worship remotely using modern technology. We will broadcast services from both LRd and St A. We will explore the use of technology in other worship opportunities.
  4. We will make all the opportunities of the life of Cornerstone available to those who attend any worship event. For example, baptism at Messy Church or a regular attender at Rooted considering becoming a steward.



Cornerstone Methodist Church aims:

  1. To affirm our Methodist heritage with a focus on scriptural teaching.
  2. To create more opportunities for people to come together to learn/share/talk about faith.
  3. To offer opportunities for structured learning.
  4. To provide an annual Away Day.
  5. To give opportunities to engage with God through the Christian calendar. 


  1. We will prioritise the Word of God.
  2. We will shape the development of small groups: growth/life groups, house groups, groups based on interests such as banner making, books or gardening projects. We will do this within 2 years.
  3. We will run short 4-6 week courses annually around Lent/Advent and Bible Month in particular but not limited to these.
  4. We will identify a topic to explore together in a structured way.
  5. We will use the Christian calendar to structure discipleship events around Thy Kingdom Come, Pentecost and Holy Week.
  6. We will give opportunities to engage with Connexional resources, Bible Study, A Methodist Way of Life, and the Be Still course each year.



Cornerstone Methodist Church aims:

  1. To bring each chapel up to Gold standard Eco-Church; to have each chapel registered as a Fair Trade venue; and to do both within 5 years (Creation).
  2. To facilitate closer relationships within the life of the church and to ensure that Cornerstone is a safe environment for all (Caring for Each Other).
  3. To create safe space for people to explore personal challenges in life (Caring for Ourselves).


  1. We will actively support and encourage projects which reduce waste and we will encourage people to take responsibility for their own carbon footprint using the Creation Care scheme.
  2. We will offer Pastoral Visitors’ training as part of our regular meetings, and we have robust Safeguarding policies in place, with a register of those trained and DBS checked. We will have annual social events around the church calendar such as Harvest Suppers and Christmas-season lunches.
  3. We will offer “The Bereavement Journey” annually, and we will signpost efficiently to other local resources. We will be aware of mental health issues and provide access to training regularly.



Cornerstone Methodist Church aims:

  1. To make more disciples for Christ.
  2. To share the love of God with our local communities, in order to raise spirits and to bring hope.
  3. To move those on the periphery of church life closer to the opportunities to worship and to learn about Jesus.
  4. We will raise awareness of overseas mission partners.


  1. We will support the congregations to have conversations about their faith in the community by normalising questions about faith, God and Jesus in everyday conversations between us all, so that we feel comfortable to share. This will ongoing.
  2. We will develop regular opportunities for testimony in church life. Within a year, we will plan to have opportunities for this in every Sunday service, and develop a monthly invitation to write for the magazine about one’s life of faith.
  3. We will look for opportunities to share faith in the community by attending spiritual fayres as stallholders, by having prayer stations in public spaces or outside church, etc.
  4. We will support the mindset of the congregation to understand that mission is a primary role of the church and that all are needed to contribute to this. This will be ongoing.
  5. We will submit an article to each Outlook sharing information for prayer and increased awareness of our Methodist mission partners.



Cornerstone Methodist Church aims:

  1. To serve our communities well, being aware of local need and be engaged in relief through practical action.
  2. To provide safe spaces for people in the community at risk of harm.
  3. To encourage our church family to serve others beyond the church walls.
  4. To increase the frequency of the St Andrews’ café to twice a week.


  1. We employ a Community Resilience Layworker to lead on some areas of work and actively pursue funding strategies for this role. We host the Horsham Matters café at St Andrews, Toddlers at both Horsham venues, The Café at St Andrews, and the Community Fridge Café. We run Easy Movers and Movie Mondays at St Andrews to meet local needs. Village Café at PG is also part of this.
  2. We will regularly work with other agencies (such as the Horsham Refugee Support Group) to explore local needs and listen to those in the community expressing concerns. We will seek local partnerships to address needs. We will explore a Saturday Youth Project at London Road within a year.
  3. We will actively promote the opportunity to support the Chaplaincy team at the YMCA.
  4. We will recruit new volunteers to facilitate another day of Café opening within 2 years.

This Mission and Vision statement was agreed at the Cornerstone Church Council on 3rd October 2023 and is due to be reviewed annually. Consequently, it should be reviewed in October 2024 and any changes agreed then.



Hello and welcome to our church. If you are a new visitor, we have a page for you to get to know us and learn more about planning a visit.
Click here to see more.

Planning your Visit

A warm welcome
We are one Church in three locations and we will be pleased to welcome you. Although we are
different on the outside, inside you will find communities of believers gathering to praise and
worship God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and trying to live out our faith by serving others as best we can.
How to find us
Choose the chapel which is convenient for you, a map can be found on each chapel’s homepage.
For those arriving by car, there is a small car park at the London Road chapel, and nearby parking on the road and in public car parks. At St Andrew’s and Partridge Green there is parking in the roads nearby. If coming by train, St Andrew’s chapel is a 15 minute walk from Littlehaven station and London Road chapel about ten minutes from Horsham station.
Planning your visit
For your first visit, we suggest arriving about 10-15 minutes early. You will be greeted by a Welcome Steward who will be able to answer any questions you may have. All our chapels are wheelchair-accessible and have accessible toilets. There is also a hearing loop for those who need it. At all chapels hymn words are displayed on a screen, but hymn books are available if you prefer.
Our Services
The Sunday services in all our chapels is at 10.30am. For more information see our Sunday Services page (link). The service lasts for 60-75 minutes, and includes hymns and songs, prayer, Bible readings and a talk, usually based around the readings. The service is led by one of own ministers or by a lay person who has been trained in leading worship. Once a month in each chapel we celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion, to which all are welcome. Gluten-free bread and alcohol-free wine are used at this service. At the end of the service, tea, coffee and biscuits are served and there is the opportunity to chat informally. Please do introduce yourself, we will be pleased to get to know you.
Midweek worship
We realise that Sunday worship is not convenient for everyone. At our London Road chapel we have a fortnightly service on a Thursday, which is held either in the afternoon at 2.30pm or in the evening at 7.30pm. Please see our calendar  for the dates. This is a shorter, more informal act of worship, accompanied by tea/coffee and cake, and held in the ‘Meeting Place’, a new space at the front of the chapel.
Can I bring my children?
Messy Church, which is especially for parents, carers and children, takes place at St Andrew’s on the 3rd Sunday of the month from 2-30 to 5pm and at Partridge Green during the school holidays (see our calendars for dates).

If you would like to talk to one of our ministers, please use our Contact Us page . We look forward to welcoming you soon.