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Hello and welcome to our church. If you are a new visitor, we have a page for you to get to know us and learn more about planning a visit.
Click here to see more.

Planning your Visit

A warm welcome
We are one Church in three locations and we will be pleased to welcome you. Although we are
different on the outside, inside you will find communities of believers gathering to praise and
worship God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and trying to live out our faith by serving others as best we can.
How to find us
Choose the chapel which is convenient for you, a map can be found on each chapel’s homepage.
For those arriving by car, there is a small car park at the London Road chapel, and nearby parking on the road and in public car parks. At St Andrew’s and Partridge Green there is parking in the roads nearby. If coming by train, St Andrew’s chapel is a 15 minute walk from Littlehaven station and London Road chapel about ten minutes from Horsham station.
Planning your visit
For your first visit, we suggest arriving about 10-15 minutes early. You will be greeted by a Welcome Steward who will be able to answer any questions you may have. All our chapels are wheelchair-accessible and have accessible toilets. There is also a hearing loop for those who need it. At all chapels hymn words are displayed on a screen, but hymn books are available if you prefer.
Our Services
The Sunday services in all our chapels is at 10.30am. For more information see our Sunday Services page (link). The service lasts for 60-75 minutes, and includes hymns and songs, prayer, Bible readings and a talk, usually based around the readings. The service is led by one of own ministers or by a lay person who has been trained in leading worship. Once a month in each chapel we celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion, to which all are welcome. Gluten-free bread and alcohol-free wine are used at this service. At the end of the service, tea, coffee and biscuits are served and there is the opportunity to chat informally. Please do introduce yourself, we will be pleased to get to know you.
Midweek worship
We realise that Sunday worship is not convenient for everyone. At our London Road chapel we have a fortnightly service on a Thursday, which is held either in the afternoon at 2.30pm or in the evening at 7.30pm. Please see our calendar  for the dates. This is a shorter, more informal act of worship, accompanied by tea/coffee and cake, and held in the ‘Meeting Place’, a new space at the front of the chapel.
Can I bring my children?
Messy Church, which is especially for parents, carers and children, takes place at St Andrew’s on the 3rd Sunday of the month from 2-30 to 5pm and at Partridge Green during the school holidays (see our calendars for dates).

If you would like to talk to one of our ministers, please use our Contact Us page . We look forward to welcoming you soon.